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Camponotus fedtschenkoi (Wegmier)

camponotus turkestanus fedtschenkoi tanaemyrmex

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#41 Offline Wegmier - Posted August 12 2022 - 6:32 AM


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Update #19: The Heatwave (August 12 2022)

All colonies are growing steadily

There's a heatwave going on right now in the Netherlands, hopefully these desert-steppe ants pay no mind to these temperatures!


Colony A:
[ Population: ~5.000+ ]

Made a sixth Ytong nest for the colony


They moved in fast


I was wondering why some nests looked empty on certain days and suspected there were a lot of workers hidden in the outworld...

Yup, they've been using that wooden log as a little outworld-hideout! There were hundreds of ants in the crevasses as well





















Colony D:

[ Population: ~150 ]


Colony D has lots of brood of their own now

No large pupae yet, but those should appear soon. Hoping to see red-headed majors!


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1 x Lasius niger -  https://www.formicul...-wegmier/page-6

1 x Lasius flavus - https://www.formicul...flavus-wegmier/

4 x Camponotus fedtschenkoi - https://www.formicul...-wegmier/page-2

#42 Offline Locness - Posted February 6 2023 - 10:44 PM


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus, turkestanus, fedtschenkoi, tanaemyrmex

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