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Zaint's Zenful Collection Sale (California)

pogonomyrmex fire fire ants seed harvester seed harvester ants camponotus carpenter carpenter ants argentine argentine ants veromessor messor solenopsis

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#1 Offline zantezaint - Posted August 4 2020 - 5:09 PM


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*Selling to residents of California only.

*Everything I have that carries an egg/female worker is for sale (Payment: Venmo, Paypal).

*There is no dead on arrival policy/money back, thus, it is highly recommended you come meet me to see the colony you wish to purchase to ensure quality.

*DOA policy status, shipping cost and queen/colony prices are subject to change.

*USPS First Class Package Service for colonies in test tubes: $3.80 (Service fee) + $0.45 (Padded envelope) = $4.25 (Estimate).

*Undetermined USPS Service for formicariums: Price TBD.

*Photos and or description may not be up to date.

*Taking reservations, but will not accept payment until first "female" worker is born to ensure fertility of queen.

*ID accuracy is close to 100% unless otherwise stated as "ID Uncertain."

*Even with that said, as a seller, transparency is important, and thus, species will be marked with when they were found and collected.

*Photos/additional info on species can be provided upon request.


* Price varies on:

  • species rarity.
  • time spent to collect, clean, raise, package queen/colony, enter data.
  • food/equipment/material used.
  • transportation fee to collect or deliver if agreed upon.
  • packaging.
  • shipping fee.

* Your funding isn't necessarily entirely based on profit, but financially helps me in expanding my collecting and raising operations to hopefully sell even more. Please understand that everything from cotton swabs, test tubes, isopropryl alcohol, flies, heating electricity, etc. add up financially; and yes, even the coconut water I take on my ops. Please also understand there are many days I do not find queens, and transportation costs (gas, wear and tear) do add up. With that being said, the money I earn will be nice, but it is equally important to me that you and/or your family raising the colonies that I have found and sold to you promote curiosity and science, and bring some happiness.


Formicidae Collection 8312020.jpg

ZZ 2.jpg

Leaf Cutter Setups.jpg


For Sale (Periodically Updated):


Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) - *Collected 07-08/2020: Unavailable.

Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) - *Collected 07-08/2020: Unavailable.

Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) - *Collected 07-08/2020: Unavailable.


Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + 2 workers + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $46.

Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + 2 workers + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $46.


Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) (Seed-harvester ant) - 2 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $68.

Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) (Seed-harvester ant) - 3 queens + 3 workers + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $88.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 2 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $68.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 2 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $ 68.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 3 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $88.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 3 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $88.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 3 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $88.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 3 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $88.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 2 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $68.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 2 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $68.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $43.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 2 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) - 1 queen + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.


Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 3 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $38.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 3 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $38.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 3 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $38.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 2 queens + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: $33.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 2 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 1 queen + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 3 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 2 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 2 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 1 queen + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 2 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 3 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 1 queen + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 4 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 07-08/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 5 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 08-09/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 4 queens + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 08-09/2020: N/A.

Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) - 1 queen + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 08-09/2020: N/A.


*** Avoid releasing into the wild, unless such species already exists in that area. ***


1 Unknown Formicidae - 1 queen + no eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 06/2020: N/A.


Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) - 1 queen + 15+ workers + eggs/larvae/pupae *Collected 06/2020: $33.

Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) - 1 queen + 18+ workers + eggs/larvae/pupae in a Mini-Hearth *Bought 2019: $93.

Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) - 1 queen + 40+ workers + eggs/larvae/pupae (can provide fluoned outworld container if picking up) $33.

Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) - 1 queen + 260+ workers + 100+ eggs/larvae/pupae in a stackable acrylic formicarium ($80) *Bought 2016 from Drew: $220 (Total). (Pickup only).

Unknown Pogonomyrmex (Seed-harvester ant; smaller queen species) - 3 queens + 18 + workers + eggs/larvae/pupae in a stackable acrylic formicarium ($40) *Bought 2019: $120 (Total). (Pickup only).


Velvet ant (Wasps; not ant) (Cow-killer) reservation (Recommended for experts/do not handle with hands) - * 1 velvet ant (white/red colored) - $13


Custom made simple hydro-cal/gypsum leaf cutter formicariums w/ lid and water/ventilation tube. Minimum formicarium purchase of any 3.

*These are field ready formicariums, allowing you to place leaf cutter queens within to avoid transfering from test tubes, which in doing so, can lead to uncertainty whether your queens have already started a fungus garden or not.

*Shipping within U.S. (fee varies by state, but will use secure, most affordable shipping service).

*Pickup available.


Stiff plastic, square w/ rounded corner leaf cutter setup (Approximate Dimension: W: 2.5" H: 2") - $12.

Stiff plastic, cylinder leaf cutter setup (Approximate Dimension: Diameter: 3" H: 2.75") -TBD - $12.

Soft plastic, cylinder leaf cutter setup (Approximate Dimension: Diameter: 3.4" H: 5") -TBD - $13.


Custom made simple hydro-cal/gypsum seed harvester formicariums w/ attached lid w/ hole and 3 test tubes (2 test tube (water reservoir/nest) + 1 test tube (seed reservoir)) - Coming soon.

*No fluon is necessary around the hole since seed harvesters cannot climb smooth surfaces.

*Shipping within U.S. (fee varies by state, but will use secure, most affordable shipping service).

*Pickup available.


Sold Record:


*Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) - 2 sold and 2 pending sale.

Edited by zantezaint, November 22 2020 - 5:51 PM.

  • ANTdrew, RushmoreAnts, Ants_Dakota and 2 others like this



4 x Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) colonies.

2 x Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) colonies.

19 x Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) colonies + 3 x Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) colonies

16 x Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) colonies.

1 x Unknown Formicidae colony.

1 x Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) colony.

1 x Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) colony + 1 x Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) colony.

1 x Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) colony.

#2 Offline TechAnt - Posted August 4 2020 - 6:00 PM


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Quick tip, adding images for your ants can usually entice more customers into buying.
  • zantezaint, jarredsocal and GOCAMPONOTUS like this
My Ants:
(x1) Campontous semitstaceus ~20 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Camponotus vicinus ~10 workers, 1 Queen (all black variety)
(x1) Tetramorium immigrans ~100 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Myrmercocystus mexicanus -1 Queen
(x2) Mymercocystus mimcus -1 Queen
(x1) Mymercocystus testaceus ~45 workers, 1 Queen

#3 Offline Swirlysnowflake - Posted August 5 2020 - 1:54 PM


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Are you not selling the Argentines anymore?

 My YouTube channel :)



#4 Offline Antkid12 - Posted August 5 2020 - 1:55 PM


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Nice ants!

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Ants I have: Tapinoma sessile(2 queen colony). RED MORPH Camponotus neacticus(now has pupae!), Tetramorium immigrans (x3), Aphaenogaster sp, Temnothorax sp, Brachymyrmex sp.   possibly infertile   :(,  Ponera pennsylvanica, and Pheidole morrisi!  :yahoo: 


Other insects: Polistes sp. Queen


Ants I need: Pheidole sp., Trachymyrmex sp., Crematogaster cerasi , Dorymyrmex sp. Most wanted: Pheidole morrisii






#5 Offline Aidanthielman - Posted August 5 2020 - 5:42 PM


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Are you not selling the Argentines anymore?

Why do you want Argentines so bad?

Edited by Aidanthielman, August 5 2020 - 5:43 PM.

#6 Offline Swirlysnowflake - Posted August 5 2020 - 6:05 PM


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Are you not selling the Argentines anymore?

Why do you want Argentines so bad?


Feeders for my blind snake. I feel Argentines are invasive, so feeding them willl be better somehow

 My YouTube channel :)



#7 Offline Aidanthielman - Posted August 5 2020 - 6:10 PM


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Oh, well if it all works out please be careful with them just a single queen could ruin a ecosystem. Also you should post a video of your blind snake eating it would be interesting!

#8 Offline zantezaint - Posted August 6 2020 - 12:07 AM


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Are you not selling the Argentines anymore?

Hi Swirly. I will begin posting Argentines as soon as I see eggs, and are close to hatching. Pictures will be available by then as well. As for now, I see no eggs in all 14 H.L. setups.

Edited by zantezaint, August 20 2020 - 3:23 PM.



4 x Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) colonies.

2 x Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) colonies.

19 x Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) colonies + 3 x Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) colonies

16 x Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) colonies.

1 x Unknown Formicidae colony.

1 x Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) colony.

1 x Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) colony + 1 x Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) colony.

1 x Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) colony.

#9 Offline zantezaint - Posted August 20 2020 - 2:26 PM


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Store updated 8/20/2020.



4 x Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) colonies.

2 x Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) colonies.

19 x Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) colonies + 3 x Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) colonies

16 x Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) colonies.

1 x Unknown Formicidae colony.

1 x Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) colony.

1 x Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) colony + 1 x Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) colony.

1 x Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) colony.

#10 Offline gcsnelling - Posted August 20 2020 - 2:45 PM



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Just so you know the velvet ant will not produce any sort of a colony. They are wasps that are parasitic on other ground nesting bees and wasp. They are generally easy to care for though  with the realization that it is a one of and will not reproduce.

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#11 Offline TechAnt - Posted August 20 2020 - 2:46 PM


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 Amazing! You have a ton of ants, super impressive how many you have! No offense, but I think you should write something about when buying argentines not to ever release them because if you do it damages the ecosystem.

Edited by TechAnt, August 20 2020 - 2:58 PM.

  • zantezaint and lsilverwoman like this
My Ants:
(x1) Campontous semitstaceus ~20 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Camponotus vicinus ~10 workers, 1 Queen (all black variety)
(x1) Tetramorium immigrans ~100 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Myrmercocystus mexicanus -1 Queen
(x2) Mymercocystus mimcus -1 Queen
(x1) Mymercocystus testaceus ~45 workers, 1 Queen

#12 Offline FSTP - Posted August 20 2020 - 4:01 PM


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are people actually buying your argentine ants ?

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#13 Offline zantezaint - Posted August 20 2020 - 5:22 PM


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None of the Argentines are available for market yet. The queens haven't generated any eggs. I am going to try another tactic to induce breeding.



4 x Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) colonies.

2 x Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) colonies.

19 x Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) colonies + 3 x Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) colonies

16 x Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) colonies.

1 x Unknown Formicidae colony.

1 x Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) colony.

1 x Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) colony + 1 x Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) colony.

1 x Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) colony.

#14 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted August 20 2020 - 5:30 PM


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Solenopsis molesta are not fire ants. If you wanted to list a common name, 'Thief Ants' would be more correct. 

  • zantezaint, TechAnt and Artisan_Ants like this

"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#15 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted August 20 2020 - 6:34 PM


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Also, you may want to clarify that Velvet Ants are wasps, and not actually ants.

  • zantezaint likes this

"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#16 Offline hakala847 - Posted August 28 2020 - 12:20 AM



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Hi, I'm interested in the Pogonomyrmex subnitidus 2 queen set up
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#17 Offline pimplebutt007 - Posted August 28 2020 - 4:08 PM


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What’s the unknown ant? Could you post a picture and maybe someone could identify it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

#18 Offline zantezaint - Posted August 28 2020 - 10:52 PM


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I'll try to post it this weekend.

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4 x Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) colonies.

2 x Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) colonies.

19 x Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) colonies + 3 x Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) colonies

16 x Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) colonies.

1 x Unknown Formicidae colony.

1 x Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) colony.

1 x Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) colony + 1 x Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) colony.

1 x Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) colony.

#19 Offline zantezaint - Posted August 30 2020 - 12:26 PM


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What’s the unknown ant? Could you post a picture and maybe someone could identify it?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




4 x Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) colonies.

2 x Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) colonies.

19 x Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) colonies + 3 x Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) colonies

16 x Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) colonies.

1 x Unknown Formicidae colony.

1 x Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) colony.

1 x Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) colony + 1 x Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) colony.

1 x Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) colony.

#20 Offline zantezaint - Posted August 31 2020 - 9:33 PM


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Store updated 8/31/2020.



4 x Solenopsis xyloni (Fire ant) colonies.

2 x Veromessor andrei (Seed-harvester ant) colonies.

19 x Pogonomyrmex subnitidus (Seed-harvester ant) colonies + 3 x Pogonomyrmex (ID uncertain) colonies

16 x Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) colonies.

1 x Unknown Formicidae colony.

1 x Tapinoma sessile (Odorous house ant) colony.

1 x Camponotus fragilis (Carpenter/wood ant) colony + 1 x Camponotus sansabeanus (Carpenter/wood ant) colony.

1 x Solenopsis molesta (Thief ant) colony.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pogonomyrmex, fire, fire ants, seed harvester, seed harvester ants, camponotus, carpenter, carpenter ants, argentine, argentine ants, veromessor, messor, solenopsis

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