I am brand new to the keeping of ants. I am very excited to be part of the ant keeping community and I hope you can all help me figure out the right formicariums for the types of and i would like to get as well as how the setups work.
I recently got a mini hearth with a foraging area attached to the top. I was planning on housing a harvester ant queen, but now I'm learning that this type of ant may have trouble climbing. Do I need to get a different type of formicarium for this ant, perhaps one that offers a side foraging area? Or can I still use the one I got.
In reference to setup:
I got a nest mate as well as a liquid feeder. The formicarium also has a built in water dish. What may i use the nest mate and liquid feeders for? Do I use the nest mate as an alternative water source and the liquid feeder for the food source? I did get mixtures of protein, sugar and oil to create ant juice. I was thinking of place the juice inside the liquid feeder.
I am attaching pictures so that you may see my setup.
Please advice if I can still use the formicarium I have for the western ant queen. Otherwise, I am getting a Fortress type III formicarium for the queen and the colony she will produce.
I am looking into getting a Manica Invidia Queen, perhaps I can house this ant in the mini hearth that I already have.
Please let me know what you all think.
Thank you!