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Tetramorium immigrans - Western Massachusetts

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#41 Offline Scherme - Posted February 19 2021 - 10:10 AM


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Growing ladies need BIG spaces. Ordered myself the Pioneer Plastics 9 x 4 x 4 display case. For anyone that doesn't know, I am pretty sure this is the same brand that makes the outworld portion of the THA minihearths. It is essentially a large version of that. 

It was $15 on amazon, quality stuff too. 

I melted my porthole, inserted the vinyl tube all the way through and poured ultracal 30 with some red reptile sand sprinkled on top. I put a series of holes in the lid and sealed with some stainless steel mesh attached with aquarium safe silicone. 

20210213 171554


The "turtle vine" in the pill bottle is not doing well and I know why. The medium I used up was crushed up excess ultra cal from previous projects. I didn't think about what that would do to the PH of the water. No big deal, I'll find something else for it when I have time. Just testing things out.


I dumped as much of the excess sand out as I could after it set, but obviously, they found or broke more free. What I noticed is, after the initial scrambling around, they took all that sand and blocked off the tunnel right at the NEST entrance. Then as time went on they slowly moved that block further down new tubing and then eventually closed up the mouth of the tunnel inside the outworld. This makes complete sense now that I think about it. New tubing, they have no idea what its about so they wanna keep safe. As they become more comfortable they "claimed" more and more of the tubing. 


I also switched out the version 1 reservoir of their nest to the new version 2 "auto-waterer". What a dream! A Poland Springs water bottle now slowly refills the reservoir as it depletes, no more daily watering. 

Edited by Scherme, February 19 2021 - 10:12 AM.

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