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stop reviving old threads
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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Update March 18th, 2022
The first eggs of the 2022 season have been laid, and the queen is looking slightly physogastric. I have a feeling the colony will explode in growth this year.
Pics please!!!
I keep: C. modoc, C. sansabeanus , C. maritimus, Formica argentea, M. mexicanus
, Odontomachus brunneus
, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus,
How would you do that? Are you going to just connect a Formica colony with a queen to the Polyergus and let them fight it out, or are going to put live Formica workers and brood in a test tube and let the Polyergus raid that?This colony is still going, and they got a new generation of workers. I plan to try letting them raid for the first time in the next few weeks as they have enough workers to survive/win a pitched battle with formica defenders.
I keep: C. modoc, C. sansabeanus , C. maritimus, Formica argentea, M. mexicanus
, Odontomachus brunneus
, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus,
I can catch polyergus colonies most places that I go. They are quit abundant in central Alberta and have a very painful bite and formic acid! I wish you the best of luck!
Edited by BDantsalberta, January 25 2023 - 12:05 PM.
Polyergus are very common here as well. They’re abundant in pretty much any area where fusca group formica are the dominant ant species.
They're almost no Fusca here. Subsericea is the most common along with all the Formica parasites of course. I have only ever once founded a Polyergus queen from scratch and it sucked because there was no black ant pupae available at the time, and so I resorted to Formica Neorufibarbis. Common black ants are a must.
Edited by Manitobant, May 5 2023 - 3:45 PM.
Edited by Manitobant, July 2 2023 - 6:49 PM.
Well that sucks
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