So to begin, I decided to start an ant journal to document my experiences keeping my messor barbarus colony to be able to look back on these experiences for my own benefit and give insight on what its like to care for a messor barbarus for ant keepers who may be interested in keeping these species.
As many people are aware, messor barbarus is a species of harvester ant in the genus messor, endemic to parts of southern Europe and parts of northern Africa. they are polymorphic and range from 3-14mm with queens ranging from 15-18mm. They are slow, docile ants that are prone to panicking easily, especially in the young stages of the colony. Their diet primarily consists of seeds and insect protein that is relatively easy to source. They have a slow and steady initial growth over the first few months but quickly pick up pace once surpassing ~50 workers where it is then possible for a mature colony to reach multiple ten thousands at colony maturity. It is for these reasons that messor barbarus are so popular to keep here in Europe.
To give a brief prognosis on how i came to acquire my colony I have been interested in antkeeping for three years now and have been having a prolonged interest in messor barbarus since first encountering a large wild colony whilst on holiday in portugal, since then I have been looking into keeping messor barbarus and thanks to the 2020 lock downs I finally have enough spare time to execute a plan developed for keeping a colony of these beauties.
This colony has been in my care for about 4 months now and there has been quite substantial development since they were first acquired as I have put off making this journal for a while now, I need to give a big update on the start of the colony, which i will make later today.
Edited by Fatatoille, August 14 2021 - 1:07 PM.