Update 1-15-2017
I think the queen died a couple months ago, but I wasn't sure until about three weeks ago.
Update 1-15-2017
I think the queen died a couple months ago, but I wasn't sure until about three weeks ago.
Update 4-28-2017
I just found six of these queens April 21st in Trabuco Canyon. All but one have torn their wings off now and most have laid eggs. Unfortunately one of them had its gaster eaten by maggots. These are the only species I have ever had get parasitic flies, and I usually get one in every bunch I find.
Here's a close up video of these maggots emerging from the queen's gaster.
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Did you keep the flies? They might be interesting.
Current Species:
Camponotus fragilis
Novomessor cockerelli
Pogonomyrmex montanus
Pogonomyrmex rugosus
Manica bradleyi
Did you keep the flies? They might be interesting.
I did last year.
Update 5-19-2017
The two queens with the largest piles of brood just got their first workers a couple days ago.
Drew, my Lio queen from last summer died few weeks back. The workers just keep going strong! I mean I haven't given them anything in weeks and they persist. Today I gave them some of Terry's sweet water and hydrated their nest out of guilt! How long will they live?
I'm not sure.
Update 4-28-2017
I just found six of these queens April 21st in Trabuco Canyon. All but one have torn their wings off now and most have laid eggs. Unfortunately one of them had its gaster eaten by maggots. These are the only species I have ever had get parasitic flies, and I usually get one in every bunch I find.
Here's a close up video of these maggots emerging from the queen's gaster.
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Update 1-28-2018
These aren't doing so great now. I'm down to two colonies, and both only have about 20 workers now. I'm not sure if maybe I'm not feeding them enough or what. I'm going to have small feeders that fit inside these starter formicariums very soon here, so maybe I'll find out.
They are super easy, usually get to hundreds of workers every year and sell out as well. Something about this year with Drew's apt had some kind of pathogen or scent that was killing them off. He's usually very successful with them.
Edited by nurbs, February 6 2018 - 10:53 PM.
California Ants for Sale
Unidentified Myrmecocystus
Undescribed "Modoc"
Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:
Camponotus us-ca02
Unidentified Formica
Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup
have 1 camponotus queen
1 crematogaster queen
5 lasius umbratus queens
your nest look like the ones in that antscanada video
That was a video about Drew's collection, so I would hope so.
Current Species:
Camponotus fragilis
Novomessor cockerelli
Pogonomyrmex montanus
Pogonomyrmex rugosus
Manica bradleyi
wow he has an awesome collection. love it.
have 1 camponotus queen
1 crematogaster queen
5 lasius umbratus queens
Update 2-18-2018
Ever since I gave these colonies feeders, not a single worker has died, and both colonies now have a huge pile of eggs. I'm pretty sure now that these just weren't getting fed enough.
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