Hey there!
I have decided to break down my journals even further. I simply like the individual attention that I can give towards some of the species I have, such as Pheidole tysoni. There is another reason as well - I have recently "upgraded" my camera situation in a sense that I literally spent 8 US dollars on a reversal ring for my standard DSLR camera (thanks Dry_Twig for the suggestion, best 8 dollars of my life!). I didn't think much of it at first, as I was unable to get clear shots after over a day of trying and adjusting settings, but as time went on I discovered more techniques available to get sharp macro shots (or as sharp as they can be for a "poor man's macro lens" ). I finally found some good settings and actually had to learn, humph, about how cameras work since I have never used anything besides an iPhone camera before. Anyways, back to the actual focus of this journal. I currently have three Pheidole tysoni colonies, two with one queen and one with three queens:
#1 Pheidole tysoni (1 queen):
This queen has lots of larvae that seem ready to pupate considering how small the nanitics will be. Here's her photo (and the only photo of this journal so far, more coming soon):
#2 Pheidole tysoni (1 queen):
This colony is in the same position as the first colony.
Pheidole tysoni (3 queen):
This colony appears to have just gotten its first larvae. All three queens are still getting along fine.
Edited by CatsnAnts, August 30 2020 - 3:41 PM.