Ya, I’m breaking up my collective journal. I just don’t like the mess I’ve made with it, and this will be much more organized. I’m not really into bigger species, such as Camponotus, for example. However, I will be making an exception for a single colony of Camponotus subbarbatus that I found in a hollow twig stem while looking for Strumigenys spp.. I couldn’t resist how perfectly they would have fit into a terrarium, so guess what... I made a terrarium! I have a few nice glass bowls that I got recently, and I spent quite a while making this terrarium to how I wanted it. Here’s how it looked before I put the ants/stems/barriers in it (the landscape is elevated towards the back to create a sort of “cliff”):

And here’s the colony (with a heading so I can keep my OCD in check lol):
Camponotus subbarbatus (1 queen)
This colony has only one queen, and I found a small satellite nest which I brood boosted them with. It was kind of hilarious to see them shoving all of the extra brood into their tiny stem. The queen couldn’t even fit inside anymore

And I also want to mention that I now have a room specifically dedicated to my ants! At first, I thought my parents were trying to get rid of them by making me move them into a more “hidden” room, but now that I’m here, it’s actually pretty cozy and nice to have a space all to my self.
ALSO ALSO, I need help on camera lenses. Dry_Twig has given me a few good suggestions, but here is the link if anyone else has any input on this sort of thing (I am dumb when it comes to cameras): https://www.formicul...-about-cameras/
Edited by CatsnAnts, July 16 2020 - 10:10 AM.