Wow, what a colony!
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Wow, what a colony!
Glad to see they moved in and that you found the queen! I sure hope they don't have any more escapes, the lack of sand should keep the glass from being lifted.
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Thanks for pointing it out!I forgot to mention, but you can see the workers culling and eating a male in the second photo of my last update. Savage!
I just got my first pheidole bicarinata queen a few days ago, she's way tinier than I expected! She has a small egg pile already and I've enclosed her in the tiny cardboard box she came in but this time with a heat cable running through it, keeping her as warm as possible.
This thread was super helpful! I wasn't able to find a thread like this for my japanese pavement ants, so now I feel a lot more prepped for what's to come with these big headed ants! can't wait for the next update
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Update 3-15-2023
I checked on Queen Alfhild and the Phatheads last night, and all is well with their diapause slumber. The queen was right in the middle of a big scrum of workers on top of a water tower in their UtahAnts nest. I've been working hard on a new outworld for them with Fort Knox level security features.
Basically whenever I have time again to pick them up.Nice looking outworld. When do you expect them to come out of diapause ?
I didn't know Pheidole needed any diapause or is it specific species?
As a general rule, no, you do not need to subject Pheidole spp. to any sort of diapause. You certainly can diapause temperate species, but it is not necessary.
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Nice job, Andrew! I definitely neglected my Ph. bicarinata colony and they dried out completely about 3 weeks ago. I just moved one of my Ph. pilifera colonies into their old nest.
bro i swear your always so busy lmao. stop neglecting the ants.
bro i swear your always so busy lmao. stop neglecting the ants.
Nice job, Andrew! I definitely neglected my Ph. bicarinata colony and they dried out completely about 3 weeks ago. I just moved one of my Ph. pilifera colonies into their old nest.
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Update 3-23-23
Queen Alfhild and her colony are finally out of diapause and ready to resume their growth. This will be their fourth growing season. A lot of their workers die over the winter, but they are usually replaced in no time. I have the colony in my warm kitchen, and I taped a heat cable across the glass of their UtahAnts mAntsion. I'll be hooking up the new mega outworld soon. It will be great to observe them for a while without piles of trash and dead workers everywhere. I fed them their first protein of the season last night, a chopped up dubia roach. They swarmed it immediately.
Update 3-23-23
Queen Alfhild and her colony are finally out of diapause and ready to resume their growth. This will be their fourth growing season. A lot of their workers die over the winter, but they are usually replaced in no time. I have the colony in my warm kitchen, and I taped a heat cable across the glass of their UtahAnts mAntsion. I'll be hooking up the new mega outworld soon. It will be great to observe them for a while without piles of trash and dead workers everywhere. I fed them their first protein of the season last night, a chopped up dubia roach. They swarmed it immediately.
Nice! I hope to buy some Pheidole this year.
Update 3-23-23
I fed them their first protein of the season last night, a chopped up dubia roach. They swarmed it immediately.
Did you deshell that roach for them? it looks like it has no exo on the underside there.
Edited by Full_Frontal_Yeti, March 23 2023 - 11:17 AM.
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