I found my first queen a few weeks ago, helpfully identified by the good folks here as a Myrmica.
After a few dramas she settled in well and now has several large larvae and some smaller ones. She's dug in so I don't see them til they appear on the surface. I've been giving her fresh protein and sugar sources every day (crickets, mini mealworms, fruit flies, shrimp, apple, strawberry, brown sugar water etc etc).
My question is, am I working her too hard? Should I give her days with nothing so she can get a rest?
Many thanks for any advice.
I gave her the choice of a test tube set up or to dig her own nest (coir/sand mix) and she chose to dig. I didn't know she'd even laid an egg until the massive grub suddenly appeared. It blew me away the first time I saw her feeding it.