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Split, Croatia 13thJun2020

queen id

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#1 Offline skocko76 - Posted June 14 2020 - 12:16 PM


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Found a queen walking across a pavement in a recreational zone in Split, Croatia. Next to seashore, pine forest, rocky. Need help id-ing. Thought it might be Lasius sp, but petiole is not high so...Tapinoma sp?
Location (on a map) of collection: Split, Croatia
2. Date of collection: 13th Jun 2020, 8pm
3. Habitat of collection: pine forest on the sea shore
4. Length (from head to gaster): 7mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: brown with lighter legs.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: yellowish legs
7. Distinguishing behavior: -
8. Nest description: -
9. Nuptial flight time and date: found one de-alate at 8pm on 13th of Jun, 2020 AD.
Will try to take better photos

IMG 20200613 203400
IMG 20200613 203423
IMG 20200613 203429

Edited by skocko76, June 14 2020 - 12:17 PM.

#2 Offline Antkid12 - Posted June 14 2020 - 12:22 PM


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looks like a Lasius sp, niger maybe?

Edited by Antkid12, June 14 2020 - 2:12 PM.

Ants I have: Tapinoma sessile(2 queen colony). RED MORPH Camponotus neacticus(now has pupae!), Tetramorium immigrans (x3), Aphaenogaster sp, Temnothorax sp, Brachymyrmex sp.   possibly infertile   :(,  Ponera pennsylvanica, and Pheidole morrisi!  :yahoo: 


Other insects: Polistes sp. Queen


Ants I need: Pheidole sp., Trachymyrmex sp., Crematogaster cerasi , Dorymyrmex sp. Most wanted: Pheidole morrisii






#3 Offline skocko76 - Posted June 14 2020 - 10:54 PM


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I thought so too, but it didn't have a high petiole. Anyway, I did not have a test tube with me at the time I found her, so I took her in my hand. Looks like I injured her, as she has died. Seemed healthy enough, but this morning I found her dead.

#4 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted June 15 2020 - 7:22 AM


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Hmm....... Lasius queens just don’t die that easily. I’ve carried many queens home with my hands, and they do pretty well. My guess is she was either previously injured, or exposed to pesticides.

"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#5 Offline ponerinecat - Posted June 15 2020 - 9:11 AM


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Lasius. Only other formicine similar to Lasius in the region are Plagiolepis, which do not look like this. Fairly certain its not dolichoderine either.

#6 Offline skocko76 - Posted June 16 2020 - 12:06 AM


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Thanks everyone!

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