That was a great GIF ANTDrew! Hummingbird moths. In August 2019 over the course if a week, I was able to see two species of them 170 miles apart and I’d never seen one before! This was my first sighting in the gardens of the Crane Estate Ipswich, MA. At first I thought it was the biggest bee I'd ever seen but once I saw the wings, the tail, and the tongue, I was flummoxed! A small, fuzzy, flying lobster-like bee with a butterfly’s mouthparts
Pardon the graininess, in 2019 I hadn’t yet grasped the subtleties of ISO and noise. This is Hemaris diffinis
This was Hemaris thysbe 8 days later in Great Barrington, MA.
Just look at that tongue!
This sure is one weird and amazing bug!
Edited by ConcordAntman, July 10 2021 - 6:47 AM.