Very new at this and appreciate any help! Sorry I used CM instead of MM, hope that won't be too much of an issue. Will use MM next time. Also my first time attempting to take pictures of the ants....learning experience for sure!
Ant #1
1. In a rotten log in a woods
2. 6/8
4. 1.5 CM (see picture)
5. I am pretty sure it is a camponotus of some sort. I have found a number of camponotus pennsylvanicus, but this one has a slightly red thorax instead of all black.
Ant #2
1. On cement
2. 6/2
3.Rural sub division
4. 3/4 CM (see picture)
5. Maybe not a queen? Couldn't get a good picture. Is pretty active.
Ant #3
1. On cement
2. 6/2
3.Rural sub division
4. 3/4 CM (see picture)
5. I tend to find a number of these in the spring and fall, but have never had them lay any eggs. They don't get around very well.
Ant #4
1. Under a log pile
2. 6/1
3.Rural sub division
4. 1/2 CM (see picture)
5. This one may not have flown yet, unfortunately. Even though we found it alone.
Ant #5
1. Under a log pile
2. 5/20
3.Rural sub division
4. This is very small and I had hard time getting a good picture picture. I would say about 1/4th CM. Not sure this picture will be good enough to get an identification.
5. My son caught this and I actually assumed it was a male. Very very small. However, it appears to have laid two eggs! (Though maybe I am mistaken and they are just small white splotches....but they sure look like eggs!)
Again, very appreciative of any help!