What do you think is the recommended sell price for a Camponotus modoc queen?
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Hahaha.Free, I’ll take two
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Anyways, I’d put a queen for the price for like 20-30$ Unless you find them often where I would put like 10$What do you think is the recommended sell price for a Camponotus modoc queen?
Edited by TechAnt, June 9 2020 - 5:40 PM.
Hahaha.Free, I’ll take two
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkAnyways, I’d put a queen for the price for like 20-30$ Unless you find them often where I would put like 10$What do you think is the recommended sell price for a Camponotus modoc queen?
Okay good to know! Thanks!
Edited by PenguYT_, June 9 2020 - 7:21 PM.
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