I actually don't have anymore of these.
So many Acromyrmex versicolor journals abruptly stop with no explanation or follow up...
I'm so nosey! it drives me nuts, haha.
It seems like founding is relatively straightforward in terms of keeping desired temp and humidity and providing the leaves/flowers and usually you'll end up with small growing fungus garden and workers. Basically, follow Cheeto's guide and you have high chance of initial success. I wonder what the ants are dealing with that causes random die offs of fungus and/or workers when the colony progresses further along after founding.
dspdrew, do you have any theories? Notice anything consistent with the Acromyrmex colonies you've kept that have run into trouble?
I worry about the air quality in my old-ish house. I feel like there are untold varieties of mold/dust/spores,etc either in the air, or settled on horizontal surfaces awaiting to be disturbed and spread into the air. These could be higher concentrations or just entirely different organisms or chemicals than what our ants are used to encountering in the wild, right? I use a MERV 13 filter on my AC, but that can only do so much. Plus, I'm a single, lazy man-child and definitely do not vacuum, dust or clean as often as I should. I wonder if keeping fungus growing ants in a sort cleanroom-ish type of environment, where we better control air quality, would increase success rates by protecting the fungus from dangerous airborne stuff. Am I just overthinking it?