For some reason today's Santa Ana winds here in Southern California and insanely low humidity of 6% triggered a nuptial flight of Drywood Termites. All day long I was seeing them swarming around my apartment. I managed to catch six dealates that I decided to keep and try to raise. Supposedly these termites don't require any water because they get all the water they need from the wood they eat. I didn't see any of them walking in pairs, so I think I only got the queens. If not having the king is going to be a problem, then I guess this will fail.
I put each queen termite in a plastic jar with a little dirt in the bottom and a piece of a pine 2x4. In the ends of each piece of wood, I drilled a 4mm hole for them to crawl into and start making their nest.
I dropped the termites in and they immediately crawled in the holes and started cleaning them out. We'll see how this goes, hopefully I can end up with a nice source of food for my ants this way.