My favorite colony of what I believe to be Formica pallidefulva has been doing well since hibernation has ended. For about 3 weeks they didn’t lay eggs when they were first out of hibernation and then they laid a nice batch and have now gained around 12-15 workers after 3 workers died after hibernation which has increased the colony size to 20+ workers.
The next queen was caught 1.5 months ago and has been doing very well with lots of brood. This colony has 6 workers now and when they are hungry they always send 2 workers out to forage until food is found and then they send 5 workers up and leave 1 to tend to the queen and brood.
I believe these are camponotus decipiens
This pheidole sp was found in my front yard under a rock with 4 queens and I took 2 along with around 20-30 workers, for some reason they seem to kill some of their own workers but it has only happened around 3 times.
I caught this camponotus queen around the same time as the other one, she is a few mm larger than the other queen, and if anyone could ID her that would be nice.
This next colony might not have a queen but while I was walking I saw a nice piece of wood that would have been nice for one of my geckos and before I put it in the freezer to kill anything on it I saw some crematogaster workers which have been eating lots of food and have some brood in the Wood, they haven’t moved into the test tube yet but always have 20 in the tube.
The next colony is a small neoniger colony from a queen I caught last year who didn’t seem to be doing to well, but since hibernation has ended she has managed to get 12+ workers and an okay amount of brood.
The next colony is my oldest colony which is a tetramorium sp which has not grown well at all for tetramorium, they are only at 100-200 workers and it’s their third year.
My myrmica queens aren’t doing great and 2 of the have laid eggs yet I have had them for 3 weeks and they are just now getting eggs which isn’t great.
My final group of queens is prenelopis impariswho have been developing quite slowly but have some nice batches of eggs along with a few small larvae. No pictures for these.
Sorry about the camera quality in most of these pictures.
Edited by Amazant, May 14 2020 - 5:46 AM.