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#1 Offline Pulliamj - Posted April 14 2015 - 5:47 PM


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Will 100 or so termites collected generate their own queen? Or is it better to just harvest some when you need them?

#2 Offline Pulliamj - Posted April 14 2015 - 6:40 PM


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Apparently they are really hard to keep in captivity. Most people farm them or collect them for food.

I guess they would be good for ants to eat? Freeze them first or just put them in there alive?

#3 Offline ctantkeeper - Posted April 14 2015 - 7:03 PM


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I feed my ants termites all the time. I actually just got a batch at a local trail to be used as feeder insects. they are filled with protein and are what I call "the snickers bar of the ant world" because almost all ant species will accept them as food (depending on whether they are offered dead, alive, or injured). btw termite workers will not turn into a "new king and queen", instead, young nymphs can be given a rich diet that will cause them to turn into supplementary reproductive which are grown after or during the end of the king and queen's reproductive life cycle. these reproductive then replace the king and queen, however they cannot produce more supplementary reproductive, preventing colonies from being immortal. 

#4 Offline Pulliamj - Posted April 14 2015 - 7:18 PM


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I tried to feed 2 of them to 3 Camponotus alates and they didn't want anything to do with them. Maybe they weren't hungry. I'm going to keep trying. Thanks

#5 Offline Crystals - Posted April 15 2015 - 6:16 AM


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Perhaps this may help: http://www.formicult...ts-and-feeders/

Termites are about 1/3 of the way down.

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