I found a bunch of these queens today.
1. Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada
2. 17/05/20
3. Boreal forest - Old growth. Under logs, bark and dead leaf litter. No brood for any that I saw.
4. 5-6 mm
5. Brown to blackish. Brown legs
6. Don't see any hairs. I counted 12 antennal segments. One petiole
7. This was the only ant I've ever had swim for it. Usually I put ants on a small stone resting in water so the ants are easy to photo. This ant is the only ant I've ever seen enter the water and try to swim for the edge of the dish.
8. Not sure of when there was a nuptial flight. There were many so probably recently but just a sheer guess.
9. Top of head appears to be concave.
Pics (I tried my best)
I'm stumped. Tapinoma?
Lasius? - I just don't see any appressed hairs.