They are still nesting under the soil I caught them in! They have made tunnels and chambers and have been really hard at work! I still don't know if they have a queen in the colony yet, and I haven't seen any signs that there even is one. I also caught what could either be a T. Sessile queen or a Lasius Umbratus queen. Figuring I have nothing to lose here since I'm pretty sure they don't have a queen, I placed her in the setup. I checked up on them a few times since, and found her wandering around their nest, and I eventually saw her find the nest entrance. A few workers noticed her and seemed a bit distressed. Fingers crossed they accept her! If these ants really don't have a queen they might accept her as a queen from one of the neighboring colonies. If it is a social parasite, I've actually seen Tapinoma Sessile become hosts so this should work as well. In a week or so, the soil should dry out and they should move into the Ants Aus nest I put in for them. That should give me a good look at how many I actually captured.
I will be making a journal on these guys, so stay tuned!
Tapinoma Sessile (founding) x3
Tapinoma Sessile x1
Camponotus Pennsyvanicus x2
Prenolepis Imparis (founding) x2
Myrmecina Americana (founding) x1
Myrmecina Americana x1