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Hello from Canada

hello canada tetramorium beginner newbie starting out introduction

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#1 Offline ADHTCIAD - Posted April 20 2020 - 1:50 AM


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Hello everyone,


My name is Aaron and I've been wanting to get into ant keeping for quite some time now. (The last five yrs or so) I have been following Ants Canada/Australia/etc and random forums for about 7 or 8 years. Always been an enthusiast, so I finally did it this weekend and bought myself some ants and a formicarium. Now I know that some people are against shipping ants, and that its almost nuptial flight for the species I will be housing. (Tetramorium) AND I realize that they grow in size as a colony fairly quickly as well, but seeing as how I bought a hybrid nest from Ants Canada already, and canada-ant-colony had such amazing reviews, I decided to just purchase a starting colony so I can move them into the formicarium right away. Or once they settle for a day or so. If i did catch any myself during nuptial, I could use them to brood boost for awhile and then move her to a test tube for hibernation before they start killing each other lol.


Being as this is my first colony - and I can now share in the journey with all you other enthusiasts - I decided to join the forums myself. So I can hopefully learn what I don't know yet and share my knowledge/experiences with who I can. I will definitely start a journal and post pics of my setup, with some explanation so I can hear what you all think. I'm fairly confident with what I have but there might be something I'm not covering and love to hear it!


Thanks for having me and look forward to being here.



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What do you get if you cross some ants with some ticks...?

All sorts of antics!! ... :lol:


Okay, I'll leave. That's the ant-ire joke anyways.

#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted April 20 2020 - 2:46 AM


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Welcome, Aaron! You picked a good species to start with. Tetras are a lot of fun to keep. Look forward to following your journal.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#3 Offline ADHTCIAD - Posted April 20 2020 - 10:58 AM


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Welcome, Aaron! You picked a good species to start with. Tetras are a lot of fun to keep. Look forward to following your journal.

Thanks! Yeah, from what I've read/watched they seem like a good start. Should be a fun journey. If I don't make too many mistakes lol.

What do you get if you cross some ants with some ticks...?

All sorts of antics!! ... :lol:


Okay, I'll leave. That's the ant-ire joke anyways.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: hello, canada, tetramorium, beginner, newbie, starting out, introduction

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