Bad News
Queen #2 (not IDed yet) died. Although, I did get some nice pictures of her afterwards...

She's about 5 mm long, orangeish legs, brown-black body. In all honesty, i'm not 100% sure she's even a queen...
Good News
Since queen #2 died, I now have a new test tube to give my P. imparis!
More Good News
My P. Imparis doesn't need a new test tube! I greatly overestimated the time it would take for her water supply to run dry.
Her brood pile is growing quite impressive. I could definitely make out some larvae, and there may even be some nanitic pupae! This is the best picture I could get of her...

All in all, she's doing incredibly well. I'll be working on preparations for her nanitics soon; provided all goes well, that is.
Distressing News
Queen #3, which i'm pretty sure is actually C. pennsylvanicus, is doing.... ok? I really don't know about her. She's been tearing at the cotton to her water reservior, and there's little cotton bits all over the floor. On the flip side, the metal cap seems to be very effective at keeping her in. I almost freaked out at first because I couldn't see her; turns out she was hiding at the entrance inside the metal cap. I don't have very high hopes for her.
Not very interesting news
I also changed the name of the journal; it just wouldn't make sense to make a separate one when I only have 2 queens.
Edited by TheMicroPlanet, May 29 2020 - 11:00 AM.