Hello everyone!
I am back after a lengthy hiatus doing my best to stay sane during quarantine. My brother and I have a few young, healthy colonies, that we intend to keep for the long run. We have:
- Formica pallidefulva, 4 workers
- Formica pallidefulva, 2 workers
- Colobopsis impressa, 1 worker
These colonies currently live in test-tube setups which they have for a little less than a year at this point and I'd like to move them into more comfortable enclosures for 2020. I've had success with Tarheel Ants formicaria in the past, but I'd like to branch out and see what other options there are. AntsAustralia formicaria look really nice, but I'm not sure how long shipping will take, nor if my colonies are large enough at this point.
I've been out of the game for a while at this point so I am not caught up to speed with the latest and greatest—do you guys have any recommendations?