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What other pets do you have? (Besides ants)

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#1 Offline Thunder_Birds - Posted March 25 2020 - 6:33 PM


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Hey guys! Well, the other pet our family has, is a winter white hamster. Sadly, she died today:( We will probably get another one soon though. What other pets do you guys have?  

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#2 Offline Da_NewAntOnTheBlock - Posted March 26 2020 - 6:49 AM


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I have two cats

also RIP hammy

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There is a important time for everything, important place for everyone, an important person for everybody, and an important ant for each and every ant keeper and myrmecologist alike

#3 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted March 26 2020 - 6:50 AM


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"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#4 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted March 26 2020 - 7:01 AM


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Cats x3, Leopard Gecko x1, Giant Day Gecko x1, Corn Snake x1, Polistes sp. queen x1, Scarab Beetle grub x2, Eastern Bark Centipede x1.

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#5 Offline Mettcollsuss - Posted March 26 2020 - 7:02 AM


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5 cats, a four-toed hedgehog, a greenbottle blue tarantula, and a 44 gallon community fishtank.
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#6 Offline NickAnter - Posted March 26 2020 - 7:09 AM


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Two guinea pigs, a german shepherd, and two species of jumping spider.

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Hi there! I went on a 6 month or so hiatus, in part due, and in part cause of the death of my colonies. 

However, I went back to the Sierras, and restarted my collection, which is now as follows:

Aphaenogaster uinta, Camponotus vicinus, Camponotus modoc, Formica cf. aserva, Formica cf. micropthalma, Formica cf. manni, Formica subpolita, Formica cf. subaenescens, Lasius americanus, Manica invidia, Pogonomyrmex salinus, Pogonomyrmex sp. 1, Solenopsis validiuscula, & Solenopsis sp. 3 (new Sierra variant). 

#7 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted March 26 2020 - 7:15 AM


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It seems a good percentage of ant keepers also have cats......
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"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#8 Offline NickAnter - Posted March 26 2020 - 7:38 AM


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It seems a good percentage of ant keepers also have cats......

I want a siamese cat, but, my mom is highly allergic, so that ain't happening for a while.

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Hi there! I went on a 6 month or so hiatus, in part due, and in part cause of the death of my colonies. 

However, I went back to the Sierras, and restarted my collection, which is now as follows:

Aphaenogaster uinta, Camponotus vicinus, Camponotus modoc, Formica cf. aserva, Formica cf. micropthalma, Formica cf. manni, Formica subpolita, Formica cf. subaenescens, Lasius americanus, Manica invidia, Pogonomyrmex salinus, Pogonomyrmex sp. 1, Solenopsis validiuscula, & Solenopsis sp. 3 (new Sierra variant). 

#9 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted March 26 2020 - 7:41 AM


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It seems a good percentage of ant keepers also have cats......

I want a siamese cat, but, my mom is highly allergic, so that ain't happening for a while.


I have two Siamese. One is almost three years old and the other is almost one.

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#10 Offline TheMicroPlanet - Posted March 26 2020 - 7:57 AM


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I also have a cat, plus legions of fish (if 7 counts as legions...). I also used to keep ducks (I had 4, but 1 died  :*( ).

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#11 Offline ponerinecat - Posted March 26 2020 - 8:54 AM


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cat, dog, fish x17, shrimp, caryfish, chickens x5, duck, jumping spiders x2(soon to get more), scorpions x7, isopods x150-200(soon to get more), springtails x200-300(soon to get more), millipedes x170-200, symphylans x20-30, diplurans x7-10, flat bugs x6-10, harvestmen x8, and maybe a few other assorted things.

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#12 Offline TheMicroPlanet - Posted March 26 2020 - 8:56 AM


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cat, dog, fish x17, shrimp, caryfish, chickens x5, duck, jumping spiders x2(soon to get more), scorpions x7, isopods x150-200(soon to get more), springtails x200-300(soon to get more), millipedes x170-200, symphylans x20-30, diplurans x7-10, flat bugs x6-10, harvestmen x8, and maybe a few other assorted things.

Good heavens, what do you do when you go on vacation?

#13 Offline ponerinecat - Posted March 26 2020 - 8:58 AM


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We don't :lol:


Well we rarely do, but most of these animals are self sufficient to some extent. The rest can be given away temporarily. Another thing is my family usually travels with one member at home to take care of animals and plants.

#14 Offline Da_NewAntOnTheBlock - Posted March 26 2020 - 9:05 AM


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It seems a good percentage of ant keepers also have cats......

I want a siamese cat, but, my mom is highly allergic, so that ain't happening for a while.


I have two Siamese. One is almost three years old and the other is almost one.


My one cat is a Siamese-Turtle mix (she got the Siamese half) and her sister got mostly the Turtle half lol, they don't look like sisters but are

Both of mine are pushing 20 btw

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There is a important time for everything, important place for everyone, an important person for everybody, and an important ant for each and every ant keeper and myrmecologist alike

#15 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted March 26 2020 - 9:51 AM


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Wow....... I think that’s over 100 in cat years.......

"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#16 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 26 2020 - 10:09 AM


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I have a 3.5 year old human and a two year old human larvae. Anyone want to adopt them??
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#17 Offline Da_NewAntOnTheBlock - Posted March 26 2020 - 10:18 AM


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I think it violates forum rule number eight...

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There is a important time for everything, important place for everyone, an important person for everybody, and an important ant for each and every ant keeper and myrmecologist alike

#18 Offline NickAnter - Posted March 26 2020 - 11:54 AM


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Cute, arent they?
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Hi there! I went on a 6 month or so hiatus, in part due, and in part cause of the death of my colonies. 

However, I went back to the Sierras, and restarted my collection, which is now as follows:

Aphaenogaster uinta, Camponotus vicinus, Camponotus modoc, Formica cf. aserva, Formica cf. micropthalma, Formica cf. manni, Formica subpolita, Formica cf. subaenescens, Lasius americanus, Manica invidia, Pogonomyrmex salinus, Pogonomyrmex sp. 1, Solenopsis validiuscula, & Solenopsis sp. 3 (new Sierra variant). 

#19 Offline TheMicroPlanet - Posted March 26 2020 - 12:02 PM


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The bottom one looks like he/she's up to something...

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#20 Offline NickAnter - Posted March 26 2020 - 12:03 PM


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Yup, up to napping. It is his second favorite thing bedides eating hay.

Edited by NickAnter, March 26 2020 - 12:04 PM.

Hi there! I went on a 6 month or so hiatus, in part due, and in part cause of the death of my colonies. 

However, I went back to the Sierras, and restarted my collection, which is now as follows:

Aphaenogaster uinta, Camponotus vicinus, Camponotus modoc, Formica cf. aserva, Formica cf. micropthalma, Formica cf. manni, Formica subpolita, Formica cf. subaenescens, Lasius americanus, Manica invidia, Pogonomyrmex salinus, Pogonomyrmex sp. 1, Solenopsis validiuscula, & Solenopsis sp. 3 (new Sierra variant). 

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