I just caught dolichoderus quadripunctatus queen, never kept this species before and i don't know anything about them. So any info about keeping them would be very appreciated.
I just caught dolichoderus quadripunctatus queen, never kept this species before and i don't know anything about them. So any info about keeping them would be very appreciated.
I think queens of this genus join existing colonies rather than founding their own; try catching a few workers and brood from a wild nest (not foragers) and introducing your queen to them. Chill the wild ants in the fridge first, just to make sure they're fully pacified. This might be totally wrong though, because almost nothing is known about these ants. Nice find and I hope she does well!
Currently keeping:
Tetramorium immigrans, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis
Myrmica punctiventris, Formica subsericea
Formica pallidefulva, Aphaeogaster cf. rudis
Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Camponotus nearcticus
Crematogaster cerasi
Temnothorax ambiguus
Prenolepis imparis
They can found colonies on their own. If I recall correctly, they're fully claustral.
I am looking online but there is not much info on them. I found one guy that keeps them tho i will try to contact him.
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