New Season! 2022 Stock - Ants and More
Please read before ordering:
1. Sales to Virginia residents only
2. Pick up or delivery to a reasonable distance (with additional charge)
3. All colonies ethically sourced from nuptial flights and cared for to set you up for success
4. PM me for further info
Available colonies:
Tetramorium immigrans (non-native/ naturalized)
New colonies with 10- 15 workers. Great beginner species. $20
Nylanderia vividula (Native)
A very rewarding, easy to keep species. One single queen colony available. $20

Nylanderia flavipes (Non-Native)
Easy to keep species, nice coloration. One single queen colony available. $20
Camponotus castaneus (Native)
Big, beautifully colored ants. Four single queen colonies available. $45 each

Camponotus nearcticus (Native)
Small black carpenter ants. One single queen colony available. $35

Also selling springtails! $10 for 100+ Sinella springtails gathered from active ant colonies. Great clean up crew.