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Antcatcherpro's ant journal

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#1 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted May 11 2021 - 3:31 AM


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I've decided it would be easier to move all my journals here so I didn't have to scroll through my content to find them. So now I'll start where my other journals left off.

#2 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted May 15 2021 - 7:42 AM


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My Formica prob won't have workers for another week or so, but when they do it will be exciting!! Nylandria parvula and Solenopsis molesta don't have any update, but my Prenolepis queens have lots of eggs. I combined 2 of my queens so they would grow faster, as my quadro of queens has like the biggest pile of eggs I've ever seen! I have one solo queen that has all small larvae and just keeps laying. I caught an Aphenogaster queen, and a Camponotus nearcticus queen which I am actually not sure if she's fertile or not. The Apehnogaster queen is fertile, I'm pretty sure.

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#3 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted May 16 2021 - 12:23 PM


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So I caught a small tetramorium colony of about 30 workers, 15 larvae, and a queen. If you want to know how go look in the Massachusetts anting thread. I named the Black Phantoms. The queen laid like 10 eggs already which I find amazing. I expect them to grow quickly, and will be giving them an outworld soon. I like how they pile on top of the queen , and put all their trash near the cotton with the water..

No updates on any of my other colonies.

#4 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted May 24 2021 - 11:47 AM


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Big news for my Formica! They got their third worker today!! There is one more cocoon left, and a small pile of eggs! My tetras are doing good, and my Nylanderia are also doing great. My newest, favorite colony, is doing great (my Pheidole). I caught a Camponotus nearticus, and pennsylvanicus queen yesterday so we will see how that goes. My Prenolepis queens are doing great! My solo queen, with the pupae, is doing good. I feel workers will come soon..

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#5 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted May 27 2021 - 1:59 PM


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Update: My Formica got their fourth worker! The colony now has 2 small piles of eggs to take care of!

Nylanderia, and tetramorium have exploded in growth, and my Prenolepis queens are getting close to having workers.

#6 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted May 27 2021 - 2:00 PM


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I will also be posting about my pheidole here as well as their own journal. My Pheidole bicarinata are doing good, they are all fed up, and have a LOT of brood. Mostly eggs and small larvae. I'm so glad to keep this species!

#7 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted May 31 2021 - 9:35 AM


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A few days ago my Formica got their 4th worker! I forgot to update though. My solo Prenolepis queen (the one with a lot of pupae) has one dark colored pupae. I am excited for her first batch of workers. I fed my colonies some pear yesterday and my Nylanderia loved it, and my Pheidole loved it too. I didn't know that Pheidole liked fruits that much. My tetramorium colony has so many workers, I just don't see them forgaging that much. My Pheidole have a lot of brood, mostly larvae and eggs. So that Aphenogaster queen, didn't lay, and died, my Neacticus queen I still have, and no eggs, and the Camponotus pennsylvanicus queen I caught doesn't have eggs either.

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#8 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 1 2021 - 3:38 AM


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My solo Prenolepis queen got her first worker this morning!! It's still pretty white so it was just standing next to the queen. She has 2 other pupae that are ready to become workers too!

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#9 Offline TacticalHandleGaming - Posted June 1 2021 - 4:50 AM


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My solo Prenolepis queen got her first worker this morning!! It's still pretty white so it was just standing next to the queen. She has 2 other pupae that are ready to become workers too!

I'm super jealous! Mine still only have larvae.

Currently kept species

L. neoniger, P. occidentalis, C. modoc, C. novaeboracensis, C. vicinus, T. immigrans, A. occidentalis, S. molesta, P. imparis, M. kennedyi, M semirufus, F. pacifica, P. californica, M. ergatogyna.


Previously kept species

T. rugatulus, B. depilis.


Looking for

Myrmecocystus pyramicus, Myrmecocystus testaceus

Pheidole creightoni, Pheidole inquilina, Crematogaster coarctata, Crematogaster mutans

My youtube channel.  My ant Etsy store - Millennium Ants

#10 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 1 2021 - 8:09 AM


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My other queens also only have larvae, they are slacking behind. Don't worry, your queens will have pupae soon.


My solo Prenolepis queen got her first worker this morning!! It's still pretty white so it was just standing next to the queen. She has 2 other pupae that are ready to become workers too!

I'm super jealous! Mine still only have larvae.


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#11 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 2 2021 - 5:19 AM


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My Prenolepis queen has 2 workers now, my Pheidole have a lot of larvae, and my Formica has more larva now too. Still no eggs from the Camponotus queens. 

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#12 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 5 2021 - 12:25 PM


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My Formica got more larvae, and I moved my Tetramorium colony to a new test tube because their old one was molding. I fed my Nylanderia colony a cricket (because that's what I feed my leopard gecko) and they loved it. It was fed to them dead. I also gave my Pheidole colony some honey and brood boosted my Camponotus nearcticus queen because she didn't lay any eggs yet. My Prenolepis queen has at least 4 workers with many more on the way!

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#13 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 6 2021 - 3:14 AM


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So when I brood boosted that queen, now she ate the larvae and laid an egg of her own. Idk why don't ask.

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#14 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 7 2021 - 3:08 AM


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Another 2 workers for my Prenolepis queen and lots of eggs for my Formica. Still no luck with my Pennsylvanicus queen. I think she may be infertile. She's been tugging on the cutton every time I check on her. My Neacticus queen has 1 egg, and Nylanderia got so much protein yesterday. They ate the whole cricket. My Pheidole also got a cricket leg and have lots of brood.

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#15 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 10 2021 - 1:04 PM


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My Prenolepis queen has 7 workers with lots more pupae. MyCamponotus nearticus queen has laid more eggs, and nothing from my Camponotus pennsylvanicus yet. My Pheidole have lots of larvae, and my Tetramorium and Formica also have larvae. My Nylanderia have exploded in growth.

#16 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted June 15 2021 - 8:13 AM


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8 workers for my Preno queen, and my Pheidole have lots of eggs and larvae. My Nylanderia will have to be moved to a different home soon because they have a lot of workers now. My tetramorium were moved to a new test tube because of mold and got to drink some honey afterward. My Formica colony already has another pupae! This time it is naked though. I caught this one queen a while back that was small, and she has lots of eggs and larvae. pretty small. Kind of looks like a small lasius queen, but it's not lasius. My Nearticus queen has eggs now and small larvae, and my Pennsylvanicus queen Is I think infertile.

#17 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted August 25 2021 - 3:15 PM


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Hello again! Sorry I didn't post for a while, but my ants are doing good-most of them. My Formica got their 8 worker, my Prenopelis has 15 workers, and I've caught many more queens, including that Camponotus nearticus queen I caught, it got 3 workers! But my Pheidole have, well, died :(. I also have a praying mantis now! I will update regularly.

Edited by Antcatcherpro3, August 25 2021 - 3:16 PM.

#18 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted August 25 2021 - 3:18 PM


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Hopefully I catch more Pheidole.

The queen is actually still alive, but her workers are dead, and she put her eggs near the exit cotton, I think she is literally giving up.

#19 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted August 29 2021 - 4:59 AM


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Nothing different with my Preno or Formica, but my Camponotus nearticus died. The workers were teared apart. I don't understand why they did that. I forgot to post about my Tetramorium, but they are doing great, all 3 colonies. They have big brood piles.

Edited by Antcatcherpro3, August 29 2021 - 4:59 AM.

#20 Offline Antcatcherpro3 - Posted September 6 2021 - 6:59 AM


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All colonies doing good! Hoping to catch more Pheidole, because that was my dream species. It was just my luck that they died. If you've seen my journal about my leopard gecko, then you will we glad to know that she is also doing great. So is my praying mantis, called Hunter.

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