During june of 2018 I was just beginning to seriously get into ant keeping. I collected around 100-120 tetramorium queens. Wanting to preserve space in test tubes I put them together as polygynes, fully expecting pleometrosis. To my suprise a few queens actually were successful with polygyny. Unfortunatley I went on two long, back-to-back trips, that resulted in the loss of over 50 of my colonies, including these. one of the queens actually raised the yellow workers on her own (Elbert CO.), they were the same species so I put them together in an alchohol jar.
I think the yellow workers are not just cowls, because the polygyne had two generations of yellow workers that never changed color.
I believe they are tetramorium because:
workers have square heads more similar to Tetramorium than pheidole,
workers have a generally more porous exoskeleton than what I have observed in pheidole,
Queens have a petiole that matches tetramorium not necessarily matching pheidole
profile of queens similar to many european tetramorium species.
All 4 queens collected
close up showing some more detail
photo showing more accurate colors