From what I understand, identifying the exact species of that Formica may require macro shots to count hairs (For example the key I'm working with identifies subaenescens as having "Fewer than 10 erect hairs on the first gastral tergite" and subsericea complex as having "Many more than 10 erect hairs on the first gastral tergite"). You'd need good lighting (ie. natural light from outside) and most importantly no glass in the way. If you really want good photos I'd recommend sacrificing a worker in rubbing alcohol, and then setting it up for pictures (or you could use a nanitic when they pass away naturally). I personally wouldn't bother though. They're fusca group, which means we know all the important information about their care that we need to know. I've got 2 fusca group queens lying around that I can't be bothered to identify, really doesn't cause any problems, and doesn't bother me much despite the fact that unidentified species usually irk me. I figure for the fusca group, group level is close enough.
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