I'm writing this journal to help keep track of my colony's progress, and to hopefully help anybody that may come across it. On 5/21/21 i found this this Lasius Neoniger queen deep in a forested park (first picture), while tearing open some rotten wood logs. Confused, i had consulted some more experienced ant keepers, since neoniger flights don't happen until right before fall. It was determined that she had flown last year, and that i had found her right before she had come out of hibernation so with no eggs or brood to be found, i scooped her up and put her in a test tube, and by the time I'm writing this she has had several eggs (two of them are visible in the second photo, at the end of her second foot). Over the course of the next 24 hours i thought i had found 5 more, two of which were in the same log i found the first (i had gone back the next day), and three were later that evening in a different park, and just strolled past me on the sidewalk. Sfter the first one had started laying eggs, and the others werent, i had come to find out the last 5 were actually Lasius Aphidicola Parasite queens, and i released them today since I'm not ready to take on a parasitic colony just yet. Thank for reading this far, i will update about every two weeks so there's real development to report on.