Hey all, wanted to reach out really quick and talk a bit about an issue I'm having with one of my test-tube setups. I've been rearing a colony of polygynous queens for some time now, I won't attempt to definitively label them but I believe them to be Solonopsis sp.. Anyway, I have had them in a setup connected to a small formicarium for some time (they never chose to move in but that's another story). My issue has been that the test tube water has evaporated a long while ago and I wish to move the queens and their brood to a new test-tube, standard tape-two-tubes-together approach. I have been getting by by hydrating the formicarium and hoping the colony will use it as an outworld to their tube but I'd rather them have the proper humidity. Since the colony never truly got established there are no more developed workers to initiate the moving process. Will the queens transport the brood themselves to a new home, or is that wishful thinking? I currently have a light over their current setup to try and coax them but so far nothing. Any advice would be appreciated!
Here's the setup and a closeup of my queens!