UPDATE: 5/28/19
Yesterday I got my first Modoc queen from nurbs. It already had a few brood and 1 pupae. I should be getting a worker in a few weeks.

Edited by B_rad0806, April 11 2021 - 1:28 PM.
UPDATE: 5/28/19
Yesterday I got my first Modoc queen from nurbs. It already had a few brood and 1 pupae. I should be getting a worker in a few weeks.
Edited by B_rad0806, April 11 2021 - 1:28 PM.
Update 5-10-19
These guys have 3 workers now. At one point they had 6 workers. I fed them a cricket leg and i'm not sure if that was the reason why they lost 3 workers.
Update 10-28-19
Not sure how I never updated this but these guys all died. The good thing is that Nurb gave me a colony of these a week ago. They have 7 workers. Let's hope these guys have a good future.
Edited by B_rad0806, October 30 2019 - 3:13 PM.
UPDATE 3-4-20
I took these guys out of hibernation. Nothing died
Edited by B_rad0806, March 4 2020 - 5:57 PM.
Update 4-14-20
One worker died. I don't know the cause on why it did. This colony has 10 pupae that are going to hatch in the next couple of weeks. The death does alarm me. They are now at 5 workers.
Update 4-27-20
These eggs are now starting to hatch. They currently have 9 workers. There are still about 10-12 pupae that still need to hatch.
I love Camponotus!
Old Shop: https://www.formicul...-stallbay-area/
Current Shop: https://www.formicul...17962-ant-dump/
We have both C. pennsylvanicus and C. modoc, due to the climate difference between 'East River' and 'West River', so they're called. West River is very dry, and I'm pretty sure that's where most of the C. modoc live. East River is more moist, and suitable for farming, which is where most C. pennsylvanicus live, presumably.
"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version
Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea
Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra
Myrmica sp.
Lasius neoniger, brevicornis
Update 5-21-20
These guys are doing pretty well. They are now at 20 workers. They were at 22 workers yesterday but 2 of their nanitics died this morning. I moved them into one of Nurbs V2 formicariums because of how big they are getting. They also have a bit of brood left.
Update 7-14-20
On Saturday I received a bunch of queens and and supplies from Nurbs that he didn't need. One of the queens was Camponotus Modoc. They have 2 workers and 4 eggs. I put them in one of the formicariums he gave me. As for my other colony they are doing pretty good. They have 27 workers and are now producing full sized workers and not nanitics.
Update 4-11-21
I have not updated this journal in a while but the colony is doing fine. They have around 25 workers. I took them out of hibernation last month and the queen laid around 40 eggs. All their small larvae are not pretty big pupae. The pupae is either another full size worker or a median. That one dud colony nurbs gave me ended up not getting new workers and they all died. Either way a good start to the season for my good colony.
Edited by B_rad0806, April 11 2021 - 1:27 PM.
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