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My queen of Carebara longii found in austin

carebara carebaralongii journal rareants texas austin

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#21 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted February 27 2020 - 3:58 PM


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  • LocationSioux Falls, South Dakota
Yes. Carebara love moisture.

"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: carebara, carebaralongii, journal, rareants, texas, austin

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