Any updates? I'm really excited to see how these are doing
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Any updates? I'm really excited to see how these are doing
The reason for this was because they did not get past the egg stage, and some were already dying. Once they were added to the other colonies (already with workers), some were getting attacked, while others weren't. Hopefully they will accept the ones that do survive.
Perhaps the colonies feel they have too many queens when the new ones were added. Even polygynous species will rid themselves of excess queens to conserve resources.
"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version
Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea
Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra
Myrmica sp.
Lasius neoniger, brevicornis
June 3, 2023: The Return of The Brachy's
After being away from the hobby for almost a year, for once I'm actually happy to catch these queens again. I lost almost all of my old colonies except for my Camponotus fragilis colony from 2019, and this summer, I decided to take it upon myself to take care of all my future colonies with the same amount of care.
Lots of queens have been flying now that it's summer, so I'm equally distributing the colonies into sections as I used to do:
- Single queen
- Dual queens
- 3 Queens
- 5 Queens
- And most recently, 7 queens
3-5 queens is the sweet-spot, anything past 7 usually doesn't end well, and the queen's eggs don't develop as fast in my experience. Also going to put them in tubs and tubes setups as I can't keep track of these small ants in the natural setups, and they usually die out. I have an exciting video update if things go well. Hopefully will be finished by August or later.
Will show more recent photos soon since this photo was taken a month ago when I just caught them.
Edited by Ender Ants, July 8 2023 - 11:39 AM.
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Brachymyrmex patagonicus | Camponotus fragilis | Camponotus modoc | Camponotus sansabeanus | Camponotus vicinus
Crematogaster Colonies| Formica perpilosa | Liometopum occidentale | Myrmecocystus mimicus
Novomessor cockerelli | Solenopsis xyloni | Tetramorium immigrans | Veromessor pergandei
Love those Brachys!
Edited by antsriondel, July 2 2023 - 11:26 AM.
August 9, 2023: First generation
Single Queen Colony:
Originally part of a 5 queen colony, but one queen killed all of them. She has around 10 workers.
Caught sometime later than the first catches of the year. They are still waiting on their first nanitics.
3 Queen Colony: Moved into Tubs & Tubes Setup
Most successful Brachymyrmex colony right now. Feeding them a lot, and making sure they won't dig into the sand. They have 30-40 workers.
5 Queen Colony: RIP Queen
The colony lost one queen for unknown reasons. Now being known as a 4-Queen colony, they have around 15 workers.
7 Queen Colony: Waiting on cocoons
Colony has around 15 workers also, but more brood. Will probably move them into a tubs and tubes setup once they all hatch.
My Formicarium & Merchandise Store
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Brachymyrmex patagonicus | Camponotus fragilis | Camponotus modoc | Camponotus sansabeanus | Camponotus vicinus
Crematogaster Colonies| Formica perpilosa | Liometopum occidentale | Myrmecocystus mimicus
Novomessor cockerelli | Solenopsis xyloni | Tetramorium immigrans | Veromessor pergandei
August 9, 2023: First generation
Single Queen Colony:
Originally part of a 5 queen colony, but one queen killed all of them. She has around 10 workers.
Dual Queen Colony:Caught sometime later than the first catches of the year. They are still waiting on their first nanitics.
3 Queen Colony: Moved into Tubs & Tubes Setup
Most successful Brachymyrmex colony right now. Feeding them a lot, and making sure they won't dig into the sand. They have 30-40 workers.
5 Queen Colony: RIP Queen
The colony lost one queen for unknown reasons. Now being known as a 4-Queen colony, they have around 15 workers.
7 Queen Colony: Waiting on cocoons
Colony has around 15 workers also, but more brood. Will probably move them into a tubs and tubes setup once they all hatch.
Nice! I remember waking up every morning to see if you had posted a new video on your brachymyrmex. Keep up the good work.
August 9, 2023: First generation
Single Queen Colony:
Originally part of a 5 queen colony, but one queen killed all of them. She has around 10 workers.
Dual Queen Colony:Caught sometime later than the first catches of the year. They are still waiting on their first nanitics.
3 Queen Colony: Moved into Tubs & Tubes Setup
Most successful Brachymyrmex colony right now. Feeding them a lot, and making sure they won't dig into the sand. They have 30-40 workers.
5 Queen Colony: RIP Queen
The colony lost one queen for unknown reasons. Now being known as a 4-Queen colony, they have around 15 workers.
7 Queen Colony: Waiting on cocoons
Colony has around 15 workers also, but more brood. Will probably move them into a tubs and tubes setup once they all hatch.
Nice! I remember waking up every morning to see if you had posted a new video on your brachymyrmex. Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot, you've been here a while! I'm bringing back the colony updates for all my colonies next month and so on.
My Formicarium & Merchandise Store
Subscribe to be visited by a queen ant
Follow my Instagram for ant photos & videos
Brachymyrmex patagonicus | Camponotus fragilis | Camponotus modoc | Camponotus sansabeanus | Camponotus vicinus
Crematogaster Colonies| Formica perpilosa | Liometopum occidentale | Myrmecocystus mimicus
Novomessor cockerelli | Solenopsis xyloni | Tetramorium immigrans | Veromessor pergandei
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