Hey guys, I know i'm new, but I really thought this would be a great thread. Just because as we all know, when we go running to tell a friend, family member or random online person about our amazing ants, in most cases they aren't impressed. So I thought i'd ask everyone being the new guy here, what got everyone here interested in ants?
For me? Just the fact they are social insects, which as we all know is rare, is what made me interested. So one day I decided to do some research on them, and my WOW! My mind was blown, I had no idea how amazing these insects really were! From slavery and pirating/raiding, to industrial fungal farms, to just about anything else you can think of, there is a species of ant that does it! Other than humans, what else out there is this intelligent? For such small brains ants sure have a hell of a complicated life! Anyway, that's really what did it for me, it's like staring into an alien world, just a miniature one, every time I watch ants.
So, what did it for you?