Update 12-7-2013 Both colonies are now up to about 40 workers each, and both have well over a hundred brood. One colony I have placed into a foraging container.
One thing I noticed about Crematogaster and a few of the other genera of ants I keep, is they like to chew their food into almost a dust, and then keep it stored neatly in a little pile.
You can see their little pile of food here.
The colony with the foraging container actually closed off the end of their test tube using pieces of cotton and other debris, to raise the humidity and/or to make the nest feel more secure I assume.
Since their test tube was getting a little low on water like a lot of the test tubes that are now opened up and sitting in foraging containers, I fixed up a new one for them and placed it in the container next to the current one.
I put a cork in the end of this one with a small hole drilled in it, to hopefully slow the rate of evaporation down a bit, and to make a more secure nest for them this time.
I guess we'll see how long it takes for them to move into the new tube.