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Macro Pictures & Video of a Mantis Feeding

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#1 Offline AntPhycho - Posted October 9 2019 - 9:29 PM


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Fed a female mantis a mealworm. Exoskeleton and all. Although a little out of focus due to movement, I think I got some nice shots with the macro lens.





Video of Feeding Here:


Edited by AntPhycho, October 9 2019 - 9:30 PM.

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#2 Offline FSTP - Posted October 9 2019 - 9:54 PM


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It is eating that mealworm. Now they can't be friends.

#3 Offline AntPhycho - Posted October 9 2019 - 10:14 PM


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It is eating that mealworm. Now they can't be friends.

Unfortunately... Peace was never an option.

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#4 Offline Da_NewAntOnTheBlock - Posted October 10 2019 - 5:45 AM


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It is eating that mealworm. Now they can't be friends.

Unfortunately... Peace was never an option.


And the mealworm never stood a chance. It had more of a chance against a mature fire ant colony than it did a female mantis. Those are brutal.

There is a important time for everything, important place for everyone, an important person for everybody, and an important ant for each and every ant keeper and myrmecologist alike

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