Like many others I caught my first queens (Lasius niger) late this summer. One is doing quite good with around 10 workers. The other one is still sitting and brooding over her brood...
Anyway, I wanted to ask for some quick advice. The first queen with workers is currently in a pill bottle as that was the only thing I had available when I noticed the nuptial flight. By the time I got some test tubes she had already laid eggs and so I didn't want to disturb ber anymore. But since a few days I've placed the pill bottle next to a covered and prepped test tube for easier observation and with a fresh water source.
They refuse to move though. The pill bottle is under a bright led spotlight and all that's left of the water is the moist cotton. The opening of the covered test tube is close by and I even put a small bridge out of a thin hemp rope between the two. Today I noticed that the workers had started "digging" tunnels in the cotton to escape the light I'm guessing. They also accepted a dwarf white isopod. They have a few times went up to the opening of the bottle but never further than that.
I know I shouldn't force anything and I guess I'm just looking for confirmation that they will move when they want to and need to. Right?!
/Anxious ant noob