The governor talked about (according to news websites) decreasing water usage by 25% and removing a lot of greenery with more drought tolerant plants (probably native California plants)
For me, that is great. I prefer a native habitat than an artificial one.
And that means, and reason I'm posting this here (though its going into off-topic since it fits more)...that means a HUGE decrease in Argentine ants and a HUGE increase in native ants. Maybe Pogonomyrmex will make a return, and meaning the horny toad lizard will come back in some areas.
I think they did a study, and a 25% decrease in water is a 75% decline of Argentine ants. Pretty sure the percents are right. That is a huge decline in a lot of areas.
Best news I've heard in a while when it comes to news websites, as I hate looking out and seeing artificial lawns everywhere. I'd prefer to see California with native plants, not a bunch of plants imported here. And I love the thought of FINALLY seeing less/no Argentine ants and seeing native ants everywhere.
I really really dislike all these housing areas and apartments not using native plants. So, maybe FINALLY people/apartments will switch over to native plants. Makes vastly more sense, and looks WAY nicer.
Then again, some of this is conjecture...but water rates will go up and overall people will use less water for their yards. So I'd assume they'd get rid of the ugly green non-native plants, and switch to the more natural natives. I can hope...
In any case, there will definitely be a huge decline in Argentine ants and there has already been a decline in many areas of them. So, good news all around.