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Zeiss' Camponotus us-ca02 (18-9-2019)

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#1 Offline Zeiss - Posted September 18 2019 - 1:02 AM


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I got my hands on a C. us-ca02 colony from dspdrew a while back.  Pretty stoked to have them, as they are one of the largest species of ant in California and they're just overall a really nice species.  Maybe I'll get around to describing/naming, haha. 


Their growth has been slow and they have even lost two workers (now at 3 alive).  I will be putting more effort into them.  Right now, they have their brood tangled up in cotton, so I think it's going to die.

20190917 223635

Edited by Zeiss, September 18 2019 - 1:04 AM.

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