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Funny number of replies
Edited by That_one_ant_guy, April 25 2022 - 2:07 PM.
I guess I'll post another one:
especially when its a pheidole queen
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
My Youtube channel:
Join Our Fledgling Discord Server
My not so good meme.
That meme could also work with Argentine ants on top and Prenolepsis on the bottom
My not so good meme.
That meme could also work with Argentine ants on top and Prenolepsis on the bottom
Not really as Prenolepis imparis doesn't kick out the Argentines in the area they are in. While Nylanderia fulva does kick out the Solenopsis invicta in the area and is also a double edged sword.
"If an ant carries an object a hundred times it's weight,you can carry burdens many times your size.
My Ants:
Colonies: Camponotus humilior 1w, Opisthopsis rufithorax 11w, Aphaenogaster longiceps ~5w, Pheidole sp. ~235w ~15m, Iridomyrmex sp. 2q 1w, Brachyponera lutea 6w, Crematogaster sp. ~20w, Podomyrma sp. 1w
Queens: Polyrhachis cf. robinsoni, Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. (likely infertile)
Previously Kept: Colobopsis gasseri, Technomyrmex sp., Rhytidoponera victorae, Nylanderia cf. rosae, Myrmecia brevinoda/forficata, Polyrhachis australis, Solenopsis/Monomorium
Key: Q = Queen, W = Worker, M = Major
Youtube Channel: Ants of Sydney - YouTube
Patreon (for YouTube channel):
That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.Not scientifically correct, still funny though
Not scientifically correct, still funny though
OMG love it hahahhah!!
Favourite Genus: Polyrhachis
Instagram: australian_polyrhachis
May God Bless you.
I guess I'll post another one:
The CrematoMasters know all about Crematogaster.
Edited by ColAnt735, May 24 2022 - 9:59 AM.
"If an ant carries an object a hundred times it's weight,you can carry burdens many times your size.
atta is best in my opinion.
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
My Youtube channel:
Join Our Fledgling Discord Server
Found it on an antkeeping Discord server lmao
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Found it on an antkeeping Discord server lmao
I looked at that for a while, and just got it. Lmao
Interested buying in ants? Feel free to check out my shop!
Feel free to read my journals, like this one.
Atta sp (wish they were in CA), Crematogaster cerasi, Most Pheidole species
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