I made my own alignment chart.
And this:
I think I saw something similar to the first one on Facebook a while ago.
They actually coexist with all kinds of diversity in my yard, but good one. I’d put Linepithema there.
The ultimate f boys
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw
Join Our Fledgling Discord Server https://discord.com/...089056687423489
Starting this July I'm posting videos of my ants every week on youTube.
I like to make relaxing videos that capture the joy of watching ants.
If that sounds like your kind of thing... follow me >here<.
My ants:
"The queen found the PERFECT place to live, so much food, perfect humidity, water, warmth, it's amazing."
"uuuh... I guess. But what about all the earthquakes, mysterious bright lights and ... abductions? Amy came back with a dot on her back!"
Starting this July I'm posting videos of my ants every week on youTube.
I like to make relaxing videos that capture the joy of watching ants.
If that sounds like your kind of thing... follow me >here<.
Everyone kept making memes with Tetramorium in them soooo...
My Ants:
Colonies: Camponotus humilior 1w, Opisthopsis rufithorax 11w, Aphaenogaster longiceps ~5w, Pheidole sp. ~235w ~15m, Iridomyrmex sp. 2q 1w, Brachyponera lutea 6w, Crematogaster sp. ~20w, Podomyrma sp. 1w
Queens: Polyrhachis cf. robinsoni, Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. (likely infertile)
Previously Kept: Colobopsis gasseri, Technomyrmex sp., Rhytidoponera victorae, Nylanderia cf. rosae, Myrmecia brevinoda/forficata, Polyrhachis australis, Solenopsis/Monomorium
Key: Q = Queen, W = Worker, M = Major
Youtube Channel: Ants of Sydney - YouTube
Patreon (for YouTube channel): https://www.patreon.com/antsofsydney
this happens too much
My younger brother always asks me that same question.
it really is underrated!!!
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