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Various Methods and Setups used for Founding Queens

test tube founding queen care setup set up methods

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#41 Offline RayBuc - Posted January 16 2018 - 12:40 PM



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  • LocationBeautiful Northern Michigan, USA

I have had really terrible luck with starting out Camponotus queens in test tubes...so this time I decided to try something different. What do you guys think about these setups for starting off queens? I stuck the Dorymyrmex in one just to see what happens. These are pretty simple and easy to make, the only materials needed are wood and 2 glass slides.





How did this work? I like this. Have you tweaked the design at all since it has been a while? When it came to moving the started colony to a larger nest, or outworld, how did you do it? 

Are there any types of wood that should NOT be used (or what works best?).

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: test tube, founding, queen, care, setup, set up, methods

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