1. Location of collection Jensen Beach Florida. climbing the walls to get away from a large number of (fat) lizards. LOTS of males around.
2. Date of collection August 19th about 3PM. But i noticed her trying to hide at noon in the same spot. they have been flying for 2 or 3 days at this point i think
3. Habitat of collection In a town center. She was climbing the outside walls apparently trying to escape lizards and other predators. The building itself is an older building with wood frames and is known to have had a termite problem in the past.
4. Length 16mm
5. Coloration, hue, pattern and texture copper colored, with a darker gaster. in bright light the gaster appears to have bands.
6. Distinguishing characteristics She is a big girl! she is also keeping her wings after laying her first batch of eggs.
7. Anything else distinctive She wasn't trying to dig or anything when i found her. actually she was very very slow and inactive. She was also not trying to get to the ground, but might have been searching for a nest in the wood, or possibly just avoiding predators. Once i put her in a test tube set up she pulled at the cotton for the first day or two, then started laying eggs.
8. Nest description no idea
9. Nuptial flight time and date I don't know for a fact its the same kind of ant, but for about 3 or 4 days before (8/15 to 8/19) i noticed a large number of male ants flying in the area. This is the only queen i was able to find.