I have a Camponotus Pennsylvanicus Queen. She is in a test-tube setup. I use a heating cable and the 1st nanitic hatched in a little over a month of egg-laying. After the nanitc was born, I kept the test-tube in a box with sand (to prevent rolling) and then fed the queen and nanitic a micro-drop of honey which they quickly cleaned up.
Now, over the past month they have been in that setup. I fed them a cricket leg after the honey drop and they sucked it bone dry. I was happy to see them accepting food and being relatively active. What is bothering me now is that the queen and nanitic have grown increasingly shy and timid over the month's time. They always stay deep inside and only accept food when it was placed inside the tube with the help of a tweezer. I imagined the test-tube was too open and that's what made them feel insecure so I plugged it whenever I wasn't feeding them and they instantly moved to the heating cable near the dry cotton and whenever the test-tube was open, they scurried back to the back of the tube. Their pile of brood is not growing or developing (I am guessing this is because they're always kept near the wet cotton whenever they're scared and not where the brood would develop better, like near the heating cable).
I have seem many people report that when they moved their queen and nanitics to a founding formicarium (like the THA Minihearh) their queen and nanitics became active and increased their appetite and the brood developed quicker. Should I move the queen, nanitic, and the brood to a founding formicarium?
If so, which one should I go for? THA Minihearth III or Aus Ants Acrylic Starter Kit or Aus Ants Ytong Starter Kit
Sorry for the long post. Thank you for reading and thanks for your response in advance.