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Derpy and Lehawk's Ant Supplies

ant supplies buying ant supplies formicarium formicariums ant nests nests outworld outworlds nest habitat acrylic hearth mini hearth cheap nests

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#1 Offline lehawkrocks - Posted August 6 2019 - 12:09 PM



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Welcome to Derpy and Lehawk's Ant Supply Store! We have many different types of nests, big or small, fancy or plain, formicariums or outworlds! We ship worldwide, so buy now!! Super low prices and high quality! You are welcome to message either Derpy or I on discord.

Accepting Venomo, Paypal, Cashapp, Zelle, and Bank to Bank tranfers


Small acrylic formicarium

Length: 12 cm. Width: 9 cm. Height: 5 cm.

Includes space for water tower



-Sold out


Small 2 test tube nest

Length: 9 cm. Width: 8.5 cm. Height: 5 cm.






Adding more products soon!

Edited by lehawkrocks, September 9 2022 - 9:51 PM.

  • TennesseeAnts, Somethinghmm and HiepNotik like this

#2 Offline Major - Posted August 30 2019 - 11:32 AM


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You know this all is on ebay for cheaper?

  • Derpy and Somethinghmm like this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ant supplies, buying ant supplies, formicarium, formicariums, ant nests, nests, outworld, outworlds, nest, habitat, acrylic, hearth, mini hearth, cheap nests

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