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Ender Ants' Camponotus fragilis Journal

camponotus camponotus festinatus carpenter ants

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#21 Offline Ender Ants - Posted July 9 2020 - 7:48 PM

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Wow these are cool ants they are very similar to our eastern carpenter ants (C. Castaneus) which I have yet to have found.

Castaneus are really cool!

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#22 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 10 2020 - 2:41 AM


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They look super cool, but they basically do nothing all the time and just fade away in captivity. I’d much rather try C. fragilis.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#23 Offline M_Ants - Posted July 31 2020 - 2:22 PM


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How did you determine what these were?

Veromessor pergandei

Veromessor andrei

Crematogaster sp. 

Pogonomyrmex cf cali and rugosus

Various Pheidole

C. yogi 


#24 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted July 31 2020 - 4:44 PM


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Wow these are cool ants they are very similar to our eastern carpenter ants (C. Castaneus) which I have yet to have found.

Castaneus are really cool!

I second this. 

"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#25 Offline Ender Ants - Posted August 9 2020 - 4:37 PM

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How did you determine what these were?

I checked other journals to see if they looked similar to mine. I don't know any other species as yellow as these. 

#26 Offline M_Ants - Posted August 9 2020 - 4:39 PM


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How did you determine what these were?

I checked other journals to see if they looked similar to mine. I don't know any other species as yellow as these. 



Veromessor pergandei

Veromessor andrei

Crematogaster sp. 

Pogonomyrmex cf cali and rugosus

Various Pheidole

C. yogi 


#27 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted August 9 2020 - 4:44 PM


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How did you determine what these were?

I checked other journals to see if they looked similar to mine. I don't know any other species as yellow as these.

Wasn’t what that guy said already disproved? Spreading information that has been proven false isn’t good for the hobby.

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#28 Offline M_Ants - Posted August 9 2020 - 4:46 PM


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IDK. Haven't read through it thoroughly.  

Veromessor pergandei

Veromessor andrei

Crematogaster sp. 

Pogonomyrmex cf cali and rugosus

Various Pheidole

C. yogi 


#29 Offline Ender Ants - Posted December 18 2020 - 7:21 PM

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December 18, 2020: Settled in the Fortress


Colony #1 (Dealate)

Worker Count: ~50 workers, 2 majors


Wow it has been a long time since I last updated here. Here are two photos of the colony right now inside a Fortress Formicarium from Tarheelants. There's a lot of space in here, so it will take a while before they are moved into a larger setup. I recommend watching the video I have link below for a quick update on them. I also started raising a superworm culture, so hopefully all my colonies will grow much larger. 







Video Update: (Skip to 15:57 for their growth over the past year.)

Edited by Ender Ants, December 18 2020 - 7:25 PM.

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#30 Offline TechAnt - Posted December 18 2020 - 8:52 PM


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My Ants:
(x1) Campontous semitstaceus ~20 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Camponotus vicinus ~10 workers, 1 Queen (all black variety)
(x1) Tetramorium immigrans ~100 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Myrmercocystus mexicanus -1 Queen
(x2) Mymercocystus mimcus -1 Queen
(x1) Mymercocystus testaceus ~45 workers, 1 Queen

#31 Offline gs5248 - Posted February 26 2021 - 9:58 PM


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That colony looks really cool! Also, I really liked your video.

Edited by gs5248, February 26 2021 - 9:59 PM.

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#32 Offline Ender Ants - Posted July 2 2023 - 1:26 AM

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July 12, 2023: Filling The Fortress


Colony #1 (Dealate)

Worker Count: ~300 workers, 15 majors


Like I said last time I updated this journal, wow it has been a long time since I last updated here, and almost 4 years since I caught this queen making it my oldest colony I have cared for. Took a break from making ant videos and updating my colonies for almost a year, rid myself of all my ants except this colony, and have now recently returned to the hobby. Super excited to find queen ants for the first time again because it's like I'm starting all over. Updating a lot of old journals, and making some new ones very soon. 


Colony #2 Queen w/ wings in the tubs and tubes setup stayed very small compared to this one. The queen stopped laying eggs before dying after her workers at the end of 2022. 



May 15, 2023: Started noticing the colony likes to put their brood against the glass during the day when my room gets hot



So many cocoons and brood now compared to these photos.




July 1, 2023: First alate!

My old Dorymyrmex bicolor colony had drones during their third year, so I was wondering if the colony would have alates during their third year as well. 


Her wings were't completely transparent, not sure if that's normal. She did just hatch though.



Plus all the food I've been giving them.

All their trash has been piling up the past few months so I need to clean that up. 
I usually see around 50-70 workers in the outworld, and all of this food will be gone within 2 days.




July 2, 2023:

A day later the alate has her wings shed, so I'm thinking the wings were messed up after she was born. I heard alates can act as regular workers, so maybe she will do that now? Or lounge around, I don't know. Hopefully I'll find a drone for her this year, that would be cool. 
Here's the original queen living in the shadows.
And the rest of the colony  :D 
If you want to see how the colony was in late 2022 back when they had around 100 workers, here is my most recent YouTube video along with the rest of my ants (skip to 3:51)
That's all for now, thanks for reading another yearly post on this colony lol

Edited by Ender Ants, July 2 2023 - 2:01 AM.

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#33 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 2 2023 - 3:58 AM


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I’m glad you’ve found some new inspiration for the hobby!
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus, camponotus festinatus, carpenter ants

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