Yesterday, I was working from home and I noticed my pogomyrmex californicus queens that were in their own individual test tubes were found dead (2 out of 4). I had 23 queens which I divided into large groups and there were 4 individuals left, that i put in their own individual test tube. I pushed the cotton too deep into the test tube being a newbie to this the other day and I noticed a lot of condensation in the two that had the dead queens. They were upside down and not moving (2). These had been grouped together when they arrived in 1 glass test tube but I decided to separate them into new plastic test tubes. I figured it was something I did wrong or the plastic so I moved them into a test tube-formicarium setup and I noticed after a few hours they were all alive and walking around. I was actually about to clean out the dead queens but I wanted to see if they would move them into a trash area. Anyone experienced this? I would have taken pictures or video but didn't expect this.
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