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Grout Formicarium Hydration Question

help formicarium grout hydration

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#1 Offline Antennal_Scrobe - Posted July 31 2019 - 2:21 PM


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So I made a grout formicarium, and have not yet added any ants. I injected water into the hydration chamber, just to make sure it would work, and found that the water level in the chamber does not recede at all, and that the rest of the formicarium does not look wet in any way. Is the hydration system working correctly, or is something wrong? The nest is about a 2:1 mix of grout and crushed perlite.

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#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 31 2019 - 5:11 PM


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Look up Crystals advanced hydration system for grout formicariums. I think that would help your design, but you’d have to start over obviously.
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#3 Offline Silq - Posted July 31 2019 - 5:42 PM


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Her guide also mentioned sanded vs unsanded grout. I think it was unsanded that you are supposed to get.

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#4 Offline Lazarus - Posted July 31 2019 - 5:47 PM


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I've followed Crystal's 'recipe' and the water does seep into the grout to provide hydration. The perlite is the ingredient that functions as the water dispersal agent so it it key. How much perlite did you use? Perhaps you're not waiting long enough for it to seep. Keep in mind that you will not notice any immediate drop in level as it is a slow process. The walls will get visibly darker when the moisture hits it, but you do have to look carefully.

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#5 Offline Antennal_Scrobe - Posted August 1 2019 - 7:27 AM


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I used unsanded grout. The water has been there about 2 days, and nothing has happened.

Currently keeping:


Tetramorium immigrans, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

Myrmica punctiventris, Formica subsericea

Formica pallidefulva, Aphaeogaster cf. rudis

Camponotus pennsylvanicus

Camponotus nearcticus

Crematogaster cerasi

Temnothorax ambiguus

Prenolepis imparis

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: help, formicarium, grout, hydration

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